Krish, who debuted with blockbuster ‘Gamyam’ is all set to hold the megaphone for his next venture ‘Vedam’. Vedam was launched at Cinemax today morning starring stylish star Allu Arjun, Manoj Manchu and Anushka in the main leads. K Raghavendra Rao sounded the clapboard and K Raghavendra Rao switched on the camera. Shobu Yarlagadda and Prasad Devineni produce this movie
Arka Media Works banner.
Initially planned with new faces – Krish
Krish said, “Nobody believed me when I said i am doing a multistarrer in Telugu. I was preparing script for Venkatesh’s Krishnam Vande Jagadguram and there was some delay in sealing on it. I took permission from Venkatesh to do another film in the mean time. Initially i planned to make this movie with new faces. Allu Arjun has been showing interest for a while to work with me and when narrated the script, Allu Arjun came forward to do a role of slum star and it increased my levels of confidence and I could able to rope in other stars. Manoj Manchu is doing the role of a rock star. Mohan Babu also liked the story. Doing a multistarrer is not a reality in Telugu films and I would like to thank Allu Arjun and Manoj Manchu for accepting this project. There will be five important characters in this movie played by Allu Arjun, Manoj Manchu, Anushka and a old person. Anushka is doing a bold role. The shoot will be complete by December 2009.”
Vedam is about five stories – Allu Arjun
Allu Arjun said, “People say that story is the hero for any movie. But for Vedam, director Krish is going to be the main hero. I selected a particular character after listening to the script. Manoj Manchu and Anuksha are also doing other important characters. I feel that you need two hands to clap. That is why we are putting our egos aside and doing this movie. There will be five interwoven stories in the movie and each story belongs to one of the 5 main characters. Bollywood Manoj Bajpai is doing another important character. An old man is doing the 5th character. The old character will steal the show. My uncle Chiranjeevi patted my back when i told him that i am doing a multistarrer. There is positive vibe among the team about this movie and i am confident about the success of this movie. And success of this movie will create a new trend of multistarrers.”
I was supposed to act in Gamyam – Manoj Manchu
Manoj said, “I was supposed to act in Gamyam and it didn’t happen. I told Krish that i wouldn’t mind doing a villain role as well if he casts me. Vedam is a commercial film with international quality. I want to prove myself as an actor and I am not doing this movie for stardom. Allu Arjun met me one day and asked me if I met Krish. When I said no, he asked me to immediately meet him. I am hugely impressed by the story. I am happy to work with Bunny.”
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